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 17 jun 2024 18:42 

EU–China trade tensions: Agri-food sector caught in the crossfire

Following the already launched investigation into the EU brandy production, Chinese authorities have today announced the launch of an anti-dumping investigation into EU’s pork exports. The move follows last week’s conclusion of the European Commission’s investigation into imports of Chinese electric vehicles.

After several weeks of rumours in Brussels, today the EU pork sector got the confirmation of the launch of an anti-dumping investigation into its export to China of pork meat and other byproducts.

Given the recent developments and trade tensions rising between EU-China due to EU’s probe into their electric vehicle production, EU agri-food producers have been growing wary of further escalation, given the positive trade balance the sector enjoys in trade with China. This is not the first time EU’s well performing agri-food products are caught in the crossfire of disputes concerning other sectors. From the perspective of the pork producers and the agri-food sector that works hard to ensure and maintain market access in China, this is not acceptable.

Taking part in this investigation will be a very costly and burdensome process and will most likely lead to loss of market in China. Our pigmeat exports to China have already significantly decreased in the previous years, as they've rebuilt the local production following the large African

Swine Fever outbreak, but EU still exports important quantities of byproducts, many of which don't really find their market in Europe. This investigation will surely be impactful for EU producers, especially those in Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, France but also Belgium, which has just recently re-gained market access to China.

The Commission should make sure there is no further escalation and that our sector is not the one picking up the bill once again for disputes concerning other sectors. It must also ensure our producers are well supported in the process of this investigation and whatever the effects of its outcome might be.


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