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 04 jun 2019 10:49 

CEJA addresses Informal Council

CEJA President Jannes Maes addressed the informal meeting of agriculture ministers in Bucharest, Romania, today on the subject of research in agriculture and the bioeconomy.

“Young farmers play a crucial role in the future of the agricultural sector. Many of them consider the bioeconomy as a sustainable way to combine production and economic growth while reducing negative impacts on the environment. That said, for research to be effective and encourage the uptake of activities related to the bioeconomy, well-funded tools must be put in place. These must benefit farmers directly, particularly young farmers who face greater uncertainty starting out” said Mr Maes.

CEJA therefore welcomes the financial instruments put forward by the European Investment Bank - DG AGRI joint initiative on improving access to funding for young farmers in the EU. The joint initiative is a positive step towards the provision of effective tools for the bioeconomy, alongside the other advantages it offers young farmers.

Research and the bioeconomy can contribute to the economic, environmental and societal objectives of the future CAP. It is key that they are advantageous to the development of rural communities in the broader sense. 
Member States will now play a crucial role in devising their approach to rural development as they create their CAP Strategic Plans. CEJA calls on all Member States to be comprehensive and coherent in answering the needs highlighted in the SWOT analyses in order to create effective schemes that will benefit current and future generations
