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 28 jun 2018 08:25 

CEMA wins EU funding as part of "INNOSETA" consortium

CEMA is pleased to announce that the INNOSETA project (in which CEMA is a participating partner) was recently selected for funding by the European Commission under H2020 (RUR-2016-2017 - Rural Renaissance - Fostering innovation and business opportunities) Call for proposals RUR-1-2017.

INNOSETA - Innovative practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising in European agriculture through the mobilization of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems will be coordinated by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), with an international and representative consortium of 15 partners, coming from 8 EU countries, including the European Crop Protection Association(ECPA), COPA and CEMA.
The main objective of INNOSETA is to establish a self-sustaining and innovative thematic network on crop protection and the sustainable use of plant protection products (spray equipment, training and advice) to help close the gap between new developments resulting from the numerous projects European research, and the use and exploitation of all this by the farmer.
The project promotes the effective exchange of new ideas and information between research, industry, extension and the agricultural community so that existing commercial and research solutions can be widely disseminated and applied, while identifying the needs of the sector, both in terms of transfer and research.
The aim is to reduce and potentially eliminate the existing gap between research and the agricultural sector, in complete harmony with the objectives set by the Commissioner of Agriculture of the European Commission, Phil Hogan.
To this extent, this will be an important opportunity for CEMA to continue working with ECPA and COPA-COGECA boosting the success of STEP-Water, the webtool developed jointly by CEMA and ECPA to help farmers and contractors to make a well thought through purchasing decision for a new sprayer - or retrofit old sprayers in terms of water protection. For more information about this tool, please visit the 2017 May Edition of our Newsletter.
