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 04 may 2018 08:49 

Copa and Cogeca call for no cuts in EU agricultural spending post 2020

Reacting to EU Commission budget plans post 2020 released in Brussels today, Copa and Cogeca express strong disappointment with the proposed cuts to the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Explaining why agriculture spending in the next EU budget should not be cut, Copa President Joachim Rukwied said “Copa and Cogeca disagree with any proposals to cut CAP spending in the future EU budget. Farmers’ incomes are already 40% below average EU earnings in others sectors of the economy. Yet they are the ones who produce high quality food every day and are called to deliver more for sustainability and to tackle climate change. The proposed budget cuts threaten not only farmers livelihoods and vast parts of Europe’s rural areas, but also the delivery of the EU’s environmental and social goals. We recognize the effort of the Commission to increase EU resources to respond to the upcoming political needs, but more must be done for Europe and European farmers. We also welcome many Member States’ willingness to contribute more for the future of Europe”.

Cogeca President Magnusson insisted “With the world population expected to grow and with the agriculture sector facing increasing challenges, now is not the time to cut back on expenditure and jeopardize the multiple benefits of agriculture. We have serious concerns about the potential trade and budget impact of Brexit on European farmers and their cooperatives. We believe that farmers and their families shouldn’t have to pay twice the price of Brexit. The current budget costs less than a cup of coffee per day to each EU citizen and in return ensures high quality safe nutritious food for 500 million consumers and contributes to environment protection, growth and jobs. Agricultural expenditure delivers very good value for money for all citizens across the EU and it must be maintained and stabilized. In this respect, the proposed increase on research and innovation expenditure in agriculture and bioeconomy is most welcome. We farmers and agri-cooperatives are ready to play our part in it”.

These are the reasons why Copa and Cogeca call for the maintenance and stabilization of the CAP budget in real terms over the next programming period.
