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 19 jan 2018 13:48 

Nijmegen becomes European Green Capital for 2018

Tomorrow the city of Nijmegen in the Netherlands will officially become the European Green Capital for 2018. Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, will hand over the title for 2018 from Essen to Nijmegen.

With more than two thirds of Europeans living in towns or cities, addressing environmental challenges is of outmost importance for the health and wellbeing of citizens. The European Green Capital Award recognises the important role of cities as drivers of sustainable development and rewards cities for their commitment to improving their urban environments. Commissioner Vella said: "It is with great honour that I pass the title of European Green Capital to Nijmegen, the first Dutch city to win the award. Nijmegen has shown what true collaboration can achieve. From its ambitious energy targets and commitment to circular economy, remarkable cycling movement and green transport, to impressive flood protection measures at the River Waal, Nijmegen has proven itself as a leader in urban sustainability. I am confident it will inspire and support other European cities on their path towards a greener future. I wish Mayor Bruls, his team and the people of Nijmegen the very best."

Nijmegen will act as role model for sustainable urban development, sharing and promoting best practices that have been tried and tested in this Dutch city. More information here.

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