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 29 nov 2017 14:06 

Copa and Cogeca outline initial reaction to new EU Commission plan on future CAP

Reacting to the EU Commission plan on the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) today, Copa and Cogeca called for a real simplification of CAP rules and for any further renationalization of the CAP to be prevented.

President Joachim Rukwied of the European Farmers Organisation Copa said “We need a strong, competitive CAP in the future, with common and simple rules across the EU. The Commission’s aim to simplify CAP rules is welcome news, but we fear that when it comes to the new delivery model outlined in this Communication, a real simplification will not be delivered”. 

“It is also vital to maintain both pillars of the CAP and to keep direct payments in the first pillar of the CAP at current levels, without co-funding. This is the best way to stabilize farmer’s incomes and to help them to better manage income risks. We oppose any capping or degressivity of payments as suggested by the Commission”, he added.

“New and improved measures to help farmers better manage market risks to cope with the increasing market volatility are also needed. It is good news that the Commission puts greater focus on smart farming and on risk management measures in its communication. But Copa and Cogeca believe that the risk management measures must remain voluntary for producers to apply and remain in the second pillar of the CAP. Market safety nets must be maintained too and further developed”, he said.

Cogeca President Thomas Magnusson went on to underline the importance of environmental measures in the CAP to improve sustainability and biodiversity. He welcomed the Commission objective to streamline measures. But he voiced concerns about the new delivery model and the practicalities of performance based measures. More clarification on how this will work is needed.

Finally, we need to continue measures under the CAP to encourage farmers to join cooperatives as this can improve farmers positioning in the food chain, he concluded.

Copa and Cogeca Presidents will debate this with EU Farm Commissioner Phil Hogan later this week and hold a press conference on December 1 at 13.00 h. Come and join us to hear more ! For details of Copa and Cogeca position and preliminary reaction, see

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