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 18 jul 2017 17:16 

Coceral and Copa-Cogeca call for full 15 years glyphosate re-authorisation

Coceral and Copa-Cogeca sent a joint letter to Member States this week calling for the full 15 years re-authorisation of the herbicide active substance glyphosate in the EU after the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) gave it a positive assessment.

In their joint statement, the organisations stress “Strong scientific evidence supports the re-authorization of this widely-used active substance for 15 years. As there are no safety concerns, we urge Member States in the Committee to favour extending its use for fifteen years, and not 10 years as suggested again this week by the EU Commission, when they exchange views on it this week. It is vital to respect science-based decision-making and maintain trust in EFSA and the good standards that EU producers respect”. 

Coceral and Copa-Cogeca underline that glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide and its use is important together with catch crops to prevent soil erosion and cut greenhouse gas emissions


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