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 13 oct 2016 17:42 

COCERAL and COPA & COGECA call for level playing field to ensure competitive supply of raw materials

COCERAL and COPA & COGECA organized a workshop in the European Parliament this week, hosted by MEPs G. La Via, D. Buda and N. Nicolai, to discuss the outlook, competitiveness and challenges of producing and supplying raw materials in the EU.

The panelists at the event presented the outlook for the supply and demand of raw materials in the EU over the past 5 years, looking at where grains, oilseeds, protein crops and feedstuffs were sourced from and what the trends in production and imports are. Future perspectives were also touched upon and discussions focused on what can be expected in terms of production in the EU over the next 5 years to see if Europe will be able to meet demand (domestic and from non-EU countries) given the different challenges that exist such as climate change, crops etc.

During the debate, Max Schulman, Chairman of the cereals working party of COPA - COGECA stated that farmers are entrepreneurs who are looking for a good functioning   EU Single Market and correct market signals. Investment in logistics and infrastructures are crucial. Today, EU farmers are lagging behind the other competitors due to a lack of access to various factors vital for crop production, such as plant protection products.

Juan Corbalan, representing the Spanish agri-cooperatives, pinpointed the crucial role of cooperatives in collecting, distributing and organising the flow of commodities to put them on the market. Furthermore, cooperatives are becoming more vertically integrated and innovative to support their members who are farmers   and give them a better return for their produce. To be successful, we need to further develop the critical mass of cooperatives in the grain sector.

Oliver Balkhausen, COCERAL Chairman of the Market and Agricultural Policy section said “collectors and traders are the glue in the supply chain distributing goods, capacities and services. Europe is a market in a global context, so technical barriers delaying or preventing the supply of raw materials to the EU chain partners jeopardise European competitiveness. Innovative toolboxes need to be available for a stable EU market”, he concluded.

COCERAL and COPA & COGECA consequently call for new breeding techniques, sufficient plant production products and futures markets to help hedge against economic risks.
