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 13 may 2016 11:46 

Copa & Cogeca call on the EC to renew authorisation of the herbicide active substance glyphosate

Ahead of the EU Standing Committee on Plants, animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF) vote this month, Copa & Cogeca urge the EC to keep the herbicide active substance glyphosate on the EU market for 15 years after EFSA confirmed its safety

Copa and Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen said “Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the EU and usually at a cost-effective price. It is mainly used in cereal crops as well as vineyards, fruit and olive production across Europe to help tackle weeds that compete with cultivated crops. Without it, production would be threatened. This would represent a clear competitive disadvantage in relation to non-EU exporting countries, especially in view of the present agricultural crisis and the need to fight hunger and malnutrition. Chemical control is also essential for some farming practices such as no-till and minimum-tillage, helping to ensure less greenhouse gas emissions and soil erosion.”

He continued: “Both the EU Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and a report by the German Food Safety have confirmed its safety so we expect the EU Commission to extend the authorization for a further 15 years. Its also a positive step that MEPs have also called to prolong its authorization. Without approval, it would just be once more non-EU countries that export to the EU that gain, as it would still be part of farmers tool box in these countries. Moreover, farmers applying plant protection products in the EU are highly qualified with training, official applier certificates or package recovering, as established in the EU Sustainable Use of Pesticides’ Directive”.  The vote is set to take place on May 18.
