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 22 apr 2016 12:02 

Thirteenth round of TTIP negotiations

From 25-29 April the thirteenth round of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations between the EU and the US will take place in New York.

From 25-29 April the thirteenth round of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations between the EU and the US will take place in New York. This round of talks represents an additional step in the very intensive period of the talks which started at the beginning of this year.

The objective of this round will be to reach a sufficient level of maturity in all areas of negotiations to be able to move to the next stage, the so called 'end game'.

The US will hold a stakeholder forum during which EU and US chief negotiators will exchange views with interested stakeholders, like consumers associations, trade unions, environmental groups and business.

On 29 April, there will be a conference call to discuss the outcomes of the negotiations, which will be open to working and registered members of the press.

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