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 08 mar 2016 20:06 

On International Womens Day, Copa underlines big contribution women make to EU agriculture

On International Women’s Day, Copa underlined the big contribution women make to the EU agriculture sector, accounting for 45% of the agricultural labour force, but warned that conditions for women in rural areas must be stepped up.

Speaking in Brussels, Copa and Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen said “I welcome the fact that leaders across the world are today pledging to take action as champions of gender parity.Women in EU rural areas account for slightly less than 50% of the total rural population and represent 45% of the total active population in agriculture but only 29% are farm holders. They can play a key role in the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, helping to achieve food and nutrition security, generate income, and improve rural livelihoods and overall well-being. Women have a big potential to make agriculture more dynamic, innovative and a more profitable sector if they receive support adapted to their needs”.

To maximise their potential, Copa calls for:
•         a real commitment from Members State to fight the gender gap in the labour market in particular for pensions, that in the rural world goes up to 49%;
•         access to more and better information, education and credit for women to fight the employment gap;
•         closing the gap in the decision making process by encouraging the participation of women in economic and public life & encouraging and supporting the development of innovative agricultural projects (at European, national and local level) and also inspiring business associations and entrepreneurial networks;
•         the Members States and the European Union to improve statistical data collection about women’s invisible work and their engagement in rural life.

To promote the women farmers work, Copa is granting an Innovation Award for Women Farmers every two years. The award highlights women’s innovative activities and projects demonstrating their capacity to contribute towards finding new solutions to the challenges in the rural world and showcasing their role as key players in the future of rural areas. In 2016, the innovation award is entitled “Women farmers as drivers of innovation and green growth in the European Union”.

