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 03 dec 2015 16:40 

On World Soil Day, Copa and Cogeca underline important role of EU farmers in protecting soils

Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen said “Farmers play a vital role in protecting soils and it is in their interest to keep them healthy in order to enhance soil fertility and yields. Food Production and Environmental Protectionare not competing but instead complementing each other. It is important for farmers to use good soil management practices to improve soil fertility. By cutting down on intensive tillage for example soil health will be improved a lot. Crops and forests also sequestrate carbon and need to be included in the soil carbon cycle in order to acknowledge agricultures contribution to fighting climate change”.

He continued “But soil sealingis actually a threat to agriculture that can easily be overlooked in the debate of good soil management as it is not exclusively linked to agricultural policies but also relative to land tenure and to urban and infrastructure planning”

World Soil Day celebrates the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contribution to food, water and energy security and its ability to mitigate biodiversity loss and climate change. The World Soil Day campaign aims to connect people with soils and raise awareness on their critical importance in our lives.2015 has also been marked by FAO as the International Year of Soils 2015 which will serve as a platform for raising awareness of the importance of sustainable soil management as the basis for food systems, fuel and fibre production, essential ecosystem functions and better adaptation to climate change for present and future generations.

“Healthy soils for a healthy life”. Copa and Cogeca have participated in a series of events during IYS, showcasing best practices in soil management and the importance of soils for farmers and their cooperatives. For more information on World Soils Day click here.

