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 01 sep 2015 15:51 

Mass demonstration of 2000 farmers protesting against drastic EU agriculture market situation

WHAT: In response to the drastic situation hitting EU dairy, pork, fruit and vegetable and beef producers, Copa and Cogeca are holding a mass demonstration outside EU Agriculture Ministers extraordinary meeting on September 7 to underline the unprecedented situation and demand action. There is an extremely difficult situation on the EU pigmeat, dairy, fruit and vegetable and beef markets, mainly as a result of the Russian export restrictions which shot the EU’s main export market overnight. Prices are below production costs in many countries and farm incomes low, forcing some out of business.

Copa and Cogeca welcome as a step forward the actions taken so far by the EU Commission to help alleviate the situation but it is nowhere enough to compensate producers for their losses. Producers are victims of international politics. The EU Commission, Ministers, MEPs must act. Copa and Cogeca therefore invite you to a press conference to hear our demands at 10.00 h followed by a demonstration of 2000 farmers and agri-cooperatives from across Europe with speeches from Copa President Albert Jan Maat and Cogeca President Christian Pees #farmaction
WHEN: September 7, 10.00 h followed by demonstration outside EU Agriculture Ministers meeting at 12-15.00 h
WHERE: Copa-Cogeca, 61 Rue de Treves, 1040 Brussels, Belgium followed by demonstration outside the Justus-Lipsius building, 175, Rue de la Loi, B- 1048 Brussels

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