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 29 may 2015 16:57 

Copa-Cogeca underlines huge benefits of biomethane in combatting green house gas emissions

Copa-Cogeca underlines huge benefits of biomethane in combatting green house gas emissions, ensuring energy security and boosting growth and the economies of EU rural areas

Copa-Cogeca underlined at a major event in Brussels this week the benefits of biomethane - a renewable energy produced on farms by European farmers – stressing its good for the environment, energy security, and cutting emissions.
Speaking at the event, Chairman of Copa-Cogecas Bioenergy Working Party Dietrich Klein said “Biomethane is a key renewable energy source that helps to boost the economies of rural areas, increases energy security and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Contrary to wind turbines and photovoltaic energy, biomethane is a reliable source that can meet demand at times when the market calls for it”.
He continued “The 0,5% advanced biofuels target adopted under the revision of the EU renewable energy directive will allow the expansion of biomethane in transportation as an alternative fuel by 2020. Crop-based biofuels also ensure good feed supplies for animals. And faced with the increasing volatility on agricultural commodity markets, farmers and agri-cooperatives need additional sources of income to remain in business.They also need a stable and reliable policy framework for bioenergy post 2020 to maximize these benefits and we urge EU decision-makers to ensure this”.
