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 12 dec 2014 19:09 

New figures for 2015 EU cereals harvest released by Copa-Cogeca show slight drop for next year

After a bumper harvest in 2014 estimated to reach 322.4 million tonnes, wheat exports will be at a good level and EU grain storage capacities at their maximum. New estimates for EU cereals plantings in 2015 meanwhile show production to be down slightly to reach 305 mt.

figures (721.9 Kb)

The move came at Copa-Cogecas’ Cereal Working Party. Max Schulman, Chairman of the Committee, said “Our bumper harvest this year was confirmed, totalling some 322.4 million tonnes. But quality was  down in some member states, with producers confronted by unpredictable weather conditions”.

“With many crop protection products being steadily phased out, many of our members have serious worries about the lack of crop protection products available on the market. Next year, plantings are expected to be down slightly by 0.9% with a 5.3% cut in production expected. It is therefore vital to have a good toolbox including disease resistant plants, new and better varieties, research and development, good plant protection products. Plant protection products are crucial in order to get the maximum potential from our crops and ensure that we can meet rising food demand”, he stressed.



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