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 24 feb 2014 11:32 

CEJA adopts Helsinki Declaration with MTK following their “Spring Parliament 2014” Seminar

CEJA, the European Council of Young Farmers, has adopted the Helsinki Declaration with an overwhelming majority at a Working Group following the MTK Seminar in Finland. The Declaration is the latest concrete CEJA policy document outlining the challenges facing young people attempting to enter the agricultural sector and the best ways to overcome them.

In particular, the document calls for a vote of confidence for young farmers from both the political and apolitical public spheres, reflecting the relevance of increased efforts to support generational renewal in EU agriculture to the general public at large. This vote of confidence should be conveyed through support for specific policy objectives, also set out in the Declaration, which focus on better accessibility to land, capital, credit, advisory services and education and training in agriculture. You can download the whole Helsinki Declaration here.

The Helsinki Declaration, named after the location of its adoption, was discussed, amended and adopted at a CEJA Working Group as part of MTK’s Spring Parliament 2014 – a “Future Seminar for Rural Entrepreneurs”, which brought together over 100 young farmers both from Finland and across Europe. The day of discussion and debate featuring case studies from young farmers, interventions from CEJA Vice-President Alan Jagoe, European Commission representative Mario Milouchev and Finnish Agriculture Counsellor Kari Valonen, and was followed by farm visits across the countryside on Friday 14 February 2014.

