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 27 aug 2013 09:47 

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels pre-desiccation is the advice from Hutchinsons Root Crop Technical manager, Darryl Shailes.

“Where crops are suffering from a high soil moisture deficits, particularly across eastern areas, but also unusually in the west and north including Scotland, they will need careful management going into the desiccation period pre-harvest to avoid crop damage.”

“If tubers are not turgid when being harvested this can result in bruising, so where needed crops need to be irrigated before burn-down to reduce bruising damage. SMD’s should be in the 30-40mm range at desiccation or flailing wherever possible” says Mr Shailes.

“Prioritising this process will also help as the more susceptible varieties can be dealt with first.”

“Generally ware crops are not looking too bad considering the intense heat of the last month, some varieties have suffered more than others especially early planted more determinate varieties, but it is reassuring that many of the crops have bulked up over the last few weeks with the warmth.”

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