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 14 dec 2012 17:44 

New EU-27 harvest estimates show production stable, despite bad wether

New EU-27 cereals estimates for 2012/3 and 2013/4 released by Copa-Cogeca today show the harvest is better than expected, despite the bad weather conditions. With food demand on the rise, urgent measures are nevertheless needed under the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 2014 to enable the EU to make full use of its production potential .

Cereals (574.5 Kb) Oilseeds (445.2 Kb) Proteins (221.1 Kb)

The move came after Copa-Cogeca cereals and oilseeds working party assessed the situation. Newly elected Chairman of the group Max Shulman from Finland said “Our latest cereal harvest estimates show production was quite stable this year reaching 284 mt whilst EU-27 oilseeds production totalled 27.99 mt, a slight drop of 3.2% on last years levels. (see figures attached for details) . But producers were hit by particularly bad weather conditions this year, ranging from drought in southern countries, to flooding and frost kill in central and northern member states. These bad weather conditions are also affecting plantings for the new season. In addition, producers are being squeezed by high production costs, reducing their margins substantially.With food demand and market volatility on the rise, its crucial to make the most of the EUs’ production potential”. 

Copa- Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen stressed “The new CAP must maintain EU production capacity. The Commissions’ new measures to further green the CAP under reform are estimated to reduce production by up to 3%, without having any clear environmental benefits, and this must be revised. Measures to green the CAP must ensure green growth: measures which benefit the environment at the same time as maintaining production capacity, efficiency and employment. Latest EU-27 farm income estimates also show incomes are fragile, mainly as a result of high product costs (energy, seeds, fertilisers), and further costly regulations and obligations should not be imposed. In addition, farmers need a comprehensive technological tool box to mitigate attacks against pesticides and other factors”.

At the meeting, Max Shulman from Finland was elected new Chairman of the Working Party and Mike Hambly from the UK and Mr Seedler from Germany were elected as Vice-Chairmen for a two year term. Priorities include getting a good deal for EU cereal and oilseeds farmers under the new CAP.

