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 19 sep 2012 19:38 

Copa-Cogeca welcomes talks on trade liberalising deal with Japan

Copa-Cogeca welcomed today discussions on a potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the EU and Japan at a major Workshop in European Parliament, stressing an ambitious agreement would strongly benefit the EU economy.

Speaking in Brussels, Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen said “We strongly support a comprehensive trade liberalising deal. It would greatly benefit our EU pigmeat, dairy, wine and olive sectors and offer EU exporters enormous opportunities. Demand for non-traditional Japanese food is growing significantly in Japan. Because we have always had good relations with Japan in the international fora like the World Trade Organisation (WTO), it should be easy to get a good agreement. Agriculture plays a major role in both societies. The EU should not close the door to a comprehensive FTA with Japan”.

The moves comes after the Commission adopted last July a recommendation authorizing the opening of negotiations for a FTA between the two sides. Japan is the EU's second biggest trading partner in Asia, after China and a major importer of EU agricultural produce, being the fourth biggest client. In the context of the trans-pacific partnership launched by the US, the EU must be proactive in this region to keep a good trade flow. A trade deal with Japan could boost the EU's GDP by almost one per cent. The move also came as academic experts from the EU and Japan presented their points on the FTA talks at a Workshop - 'Towards a free trade agreement with Japan?' in Parliament today.
