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 20 may 2011 19:53 

Urgent measures to boost EU sheep meat production

Copa-Cogeca called today for urgent measures to boost EU sheep meat production under the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), warning EU production and imports are declining and without action there will be a further exodus from the EU rural areas.

The issue was discussed today in the EU Commissions’ Advisory Group. Speaking in Brussels, Emmanuel Coste, Chairman of Copa-Cogeca Working Party, warned “EU production is continuing to drop whilst imports to the EU decreased by 11% in 2010 compared to 2007.  Furthermore, this downward trend is expected to continue in 2011”.

He continued: “Even though prices are quite good and are expected to remain positive, production costs have been rising rapidly, which is squeezing producers hard. In view of the fact that sheepmeat demand is increasing in other parts of the world, whilst production is low, the EU must maintain a productive sheepmeat sector in order to offer adequate supplies for consumers”. 

Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen stressed  “Copa-Cogeca consequently calls on the EU Commission to ensure that there are enough measures under the future CAP to stimulate production and consumption and encourage young farmers to enter the sector. Promotional action is need to boost consumption of this high quality product. After all, sheepmeat production boosts the economies of the EU’s rural areas and helps to maintain biodiversity”.  
