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 10 sep 2010 16:31 

Open Days Clause and Nickerson-Zwaan

From September 28th to October 1st, vegetable professionals can get acquainted with the new range of open field vegetable varieties offered by vegetable seed companies Nickerson-Zwaan, Clause and Vilmorin. The Open Days are one of the biggest promotional events of the year, and are a real “living catalogue”of many crops and varieties for an audience that is becoming more and more international. This year the event will be organized on a brand new field located in Dirkshorn (province of North Holland in The Netherlands). Benelux Cauliflower growers will again compete on Tuesday to win the Cauliflower Harvesting Trophy 2010.

As they did before, the three companies join their forces to show a very complete range of crops, with new varieties on show in for example cauliflower, carrot, broccoli, headed cabbage, pointed cabbage, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, endive, squash, fennel, celery, onion, leek, radish and sweet corn. These are to be seen on an extended demo field, that is 50% bigger than our previous field situated in Sint Maarten. The variety range has been extended considerably, and has definitely become more international. For the first time fruited crops will also be shown in the (enlarged) pavilion. Traditionally these Open Days were mainly aimed at North-West Europe, but now they attract visitors from all over Europe and even from countries outside Europe. As in the past, the personal approach of visitors remains a key element.

 Nickerson-Zwaan is continuing its worldwide growth strategy in Brassica (cabbage), and is investing highly in it. The company has proven to be a very reliable partner for the whole Brassica chain, and is leading research projects on taste and components in Brassica crops.

As market leader in pointed cabbage Nickerson-Zwaan introduces Dutchman F1,  featuring improved colour and uniformity. Today Nickerson-Zwaan’s varieties enable supermarkets to offer pointed cabbage year round as attractive fresh produce on their shelves. For “Spring Greens” (types with loose leaves mainly grown in the U.K.), new hybrid varieties have become available featuring higher yield and better uniformity.

 In white cabbage this year brings several new and experimental varieties in the early segment (50 to 70 growing days), for different markets. A good example is the new hit NiZ 17-932 featuring a very nice combination of earliness, growing force and standing ability.

In red cabbage there are new early varieties for international markets, and also new varieties for storage and industrial processing in Northern and Western Europe.

As one of the few seed companies Nickerson-Zwaan is investing heavily in Brussels sprouts, resulting in numerous new experimental varieties, ranging from small to big sized, that will be on show for the first time. Visitors will also find a new generation of savoy cabbage varieties featuring resistance against Xanthomonas, a very important quality.

In cauliflower Nickerson-Zwaan’s new variety Seoul F1 that was introduced last year will still attract a lot of attention, because it has now conquered other countries as well, outside Benelux and even outside Europe.

 Novelties in the demo field are radish and leek. Nickerson-Zwaan runs a large breeding programme in round red radish for greenhouse and open field, and has market leadership in the Benelux as well as in several other countries in Europe and the world. Novelty with a big “N” is Whitella F1. The first hybrid round white radish.

In the leek summer segment the new variety Capito F1 combines unique uniformity with excellent qualities for mechanical  processing.

 Onion Santero F1 was the first onion featuring resistance to Downy mildew. This breakthrough story by Nickerson-Zwaan is now continued by new Downy mildew resistant varieties, that are also well appreciated by organic growers. Successful varieties Centro F1 and Dormo F1 now bring Nickerson-Zwaan to a very solid market position in whole Western Europe. Eastern Europe is getting enthusiastic on NiZ 37-2025 F1, the first half Spanish variety in the big Long Day segment.

 Sister company Vilmorin is investing energetically in breeding of lettuce. As usual we present a full range of the latest lettuce varieties, with accents put on iceberg, oakleaf, butterhead and a new Lollo Rosso. For the first time babyleaf types are presented. Vilmorin also shows haricot beans for fresh market and processing industry, a new Imperator type carrot, and new red beet varieties with Rhizomania resistance.
Newcomers at these International Open Days are herbs, especially basil. These come from the promising Genesis organic programme that is currently introduced in Europe by Nickerson-Zwaan.

The part of the field dedicated to Clause, also a major company on the worldwide vegetable seed market, will be showing a wide range of 25 different crops. Specialists from all over the world are present to exchange thoughts on the newest techniques and developments with customers and other professionals.

 Carrot is Clause’s main highlight this year, more in particular the new smooth skinned varieties with long storage potential grown on more heavy soil types and destined for cold storage. Visitors will also be interested by the new range for processing industry and by varieties for bunched carrot. In the field they can compare varieties like for example Hermes F1, Match F1 and Brutus F1 (Nantes type), Gema F1 (Berlicum type) and Triton F1 (bunched and baby carrot) that can be judged at different sowing densities.

 Recently introduced very early broccoli varieties Sirtaki F1 and Koros F1 can be compared with other varieties. Both enable 1 week earlier harvesting than a few years ago, giving better earnings.  The broccoli fields also show new summer varieties as well as autumn varieties Kuba F1 (CLX 35106) and Kolya F1 (CLX 3506).

 Clause has a dominant market position also in cauliflower for industry and fresh market. So obligation to show a large number of standard varieties, but also new introductions like Overlord F1 and Navalo F1.

 Squash growers should absolutely get acquainted with the new virus resistant variety Eva F1. Pumpkins for decoration or for Halloween, and edible pumpkins for cuisine or industrial processing fit well into the season.

 Cabbage growers will have sufficient seed supply of Squadron F1, the long storage variety featuring high thrips tolerance and nice green colour after storage.

Worth to mention are also a very wide range of endive and frisée endive varieties with high bolting resistance, various types of lettuce, hybrid turnips, green celery, (baby)fennel, beans and more.

 In the pavilion, where food and drinks will be readily available, all visitors can judge the latest corn salads. Those who want a real tasting experience can personally judge the taste of the new carrot varieties. For the first time there will also be an interesting range of standard varieties in tomato, pepper and melon coming from all over he world.

 Cauliflower harvesting contest

After two very successful earlier editions, Clause and Nickerson-Zwaan will organise the Cauliflower Harvesting Contest for the third time. On Tuesday September 28th  at 5 pm. about twenty cauliflower growers will have their sharpened knives ready to compete for the Benelux title “Cauliflower Harvesting Champion 2010”.

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